I spose I should put an exclamation mark after that, but I'm just not feeling it. Not for any major depressive reasons, just more disappointment. Which is an upgrade from most Christmas's...
I was hoping to go to Denver to spend it with my son, who will be working on Christmas Day, but hey, I could look at his 12 inch tall Christmas tree... which he sent me a picture of, which sent me into a two hour search on how to transfer his texted picture to my phone picture, from my phone to by blog. Only to remember that I figured it out once before. Grrr.

He calls it a tree. I call it a houseplant.
Anyways, I'm not going home to Idaho for Christmas cause NOONE INVITED ME, and I'm not going to Denver and Jeremy cause I have that stupid mammogram scheduled on the 27th of December. And considering that it only took me 10 years to make the appointment, and then I had to wait 3 months for it, I figured I better stay home and represent.
Represent my first Christmas in San Francisco. Which is why I'm only disappointed, rather than depressed. I can never be too upset as long as I'm here. 2012 has been good to me, I must admit.
Here's Jeremy "I have to keep growing my beard till March so I can win a bet" picture:
Perhaps because it's a close-up in unnatural light and the angle? ... my first immediate thought was "he looks like a terrorist". It looked better in real life, truly.
Then he sent me this today.
Whew. I like!
Sorry Jeremy, I'm laughing. I know I told you that you looked good with a beard...it was a short neatly trimmed beard...very cool looking on you. The bushy beard look isn't you at all. Grandpa would have been very proud of the moustache...not bad at all for a beginner..Love you!